TikTok is the next big thing for social media. Having revolutionized the space with its spot-on algorithm and easily-consumable (and widely copied) short-form content structure, TikTok is at the forefront of social media’s evolution. Whereas Facebook and Instagram had their time in the spotlight in the early- and mid-2010s, TikTok is the face of social media in 2020 and beyond. But TikTok’s hot status doesn’t mean other platforms are obsolete. In fact, TikTok can teach us a lot about how to succeed and thrive on any platform – from LinkedIn to Twitter.

TikTok’s predictive algorithm and cult-like niches demonstrate the power of social media done right, especially when applied to businesses. Here’s what TikTok teaches us – and how you can implement it in your social media strategy.

TikTok social media app

To create a great social media strategy, start with your audience

Publishing content on social media that gets little-to-no engagement can feel like shouting into a void. That’s because it is – if your audience isn’t engaging with your content, it’s time to switch up your strategy.

Good marketers and social media strategists create content with their audience and customers in mind. Content should:

  • Solve problems and answer questions your customers may have
  • Help your audience stay entertained or informed about topics related to your business
  • Prompt further engagement with your audience

As much as algorithms favor a high quantity of posts, it’s crucial to ensure that your posts are relevant and helpful for your customers.

Implement social listening in your social media strategy to see what your audience really wants

What questions does your audience have? What do they want to learn more about? These are the kinds of questions you should ask before you produce and publish any content.

Engaging your audience with topics they care about starts with listening to their needs. Whether it’s from social listening or review sentiment analysis, see what your audience is mentioning about your business. Are they wondering about upcoming holiday hours? Or do they want to know more about one of your products? See where their focus is – and tunnel in. Listening to and engaging with your audience is the best way to create content that people value.

Test different content to see what works, then rinse and repeat

Platforms like TikTok become pretty predictable the more you use them. Certain types of videos consistently get a ton of engagement; whether it’s story times while playing Subway Surfer or comedy sketches, many users have tried-and-true formulas they use to create engaging videos that their audiences love. How can you bring this to your content? Try something new!

Experimenting is harder to do in a large-scale business where lots of people have their hands on content. Using a social media management platform that enables approval and views from multiple parties makes it easier to collaborate on new content.

social media engagement

Look at your best-performing content and add to it – or repurpose it

As long as you aren’t copying and pasting an old tweet or LinkedIn post, there’s nothing wrong with revisiting and repurposing content. In fact, pumping out novel content each week is usually a recipe for disaster.

Content should relate back to what you’ve published in the past – and what your customers are curious about. Look into what content performs the best, and add to it. Or, repurpose your best content:

  • Blogs can become tweets
  • Webinars or videos can become articles
  • Customer queries can become Q&A videos
  • A Facebook or LinkedIn post can become a tweet
  • A review can become an Instagram post
  • And much more…

Even if you create content with a certain form in mind, don’t confine yourself to it. Especially if it performs well.

When it comes to your best content, add, rinse, and repeat!

The more general your content is, the less people will care what you have to say

This principle goes hand in hand with paying attention to what your audience wants to see. Often, brands can resort to generalized content to hit all of their customer personas. It’s easy to think that the more widely relatable something is, the more people will connect with it. But really, people want content that is highly specific to them.

Take TikTok’s algorithm for example. Often, users joke that their algorithms are so accurate that TikTok must be listening to them. This is because the content they’re seeing is so specific to them. The reason TikTok can be such an addictive, engaging platform is because it is:

  • Highly niche
  • Easily-consumable
  • Interactive

When developing your business’ social media strategy and content strategy, keep these factors in mind. Yes, even if you’re not using TikTok. After all, consumers who choose to interact with your brand are coming for your brand’s content – not generic updates and posts.

Keep things accessible and interactive

Ever noticed how many TikTok videos include closed captioning? Incorporating features like closed captions make it easier for users to engage with your content.

Asking your audience questions will also help keep them engaged – boosting your posts and getting more insight into what consumers are thinking.

Social media strategies evolve over time 

As you take these tips to your own social media strategy, remember that what worked yesterday isn’t guaranteed to keep working.

Social media is moving faster than ever – which is why it’s crucial to keep your audience at the front of your mind as you develop a strategy.

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