The sky is getting darker, the temperatures are dropping, and everyone is drinking peppermint mochas. You know what that means: the winter holidays are just around the corner. Businesses spend months planning special events, sales, and new product launches for the holidays. But with the market more saturated than ever, it’s time to get more creative to rise above the noise of holiday adverts. Running personalized local marketing campaigns helps convert customers like never before – that’s because personalized promotions influence 77% of consumers to make a purchase when they’re already searching for a product.

Here’s how to personalize your holiday campaigns with Synup Campaigns on Google, Facebook, and more:

Customers will love a snow day delivery campaign

Nobody wants to go outside when it’s snowing if they don’t have to. After the fresh snow turns to slush, being outside quickly loses its appeal. 

But customers still want – and need – your product. Reinforce that you offer delivery or pickup options (only if that’s true, of course). Customers who search for your product on Google will be relieved that they can quickly and easily knock another thing off of their to-do lists.

snow day campaign

Don’t be afraid to lean into early bird specials

It’s getting dark earlier – which means customers are less apt to visit your business in the evening.

That’s okay! Lean into it with early bird specials that occur right as the work day ends. If you’re a grocery chain, you can highlight your increased staff during peak 5pm hours. Or, you could even highlight products that customers may need to pick up.

Customers will appreciate that you’re accommodating their schedules and looking out for their moods. Nobody wants to trek out to the grocery store when it’s pitch black out, after all.

Start a winter Mondays special

Mondays are notoriously tough – just ask Garfield. Give your customers a solution for the grump and gloom with a winter Mondays special.

Set a recurring Campaign every Monday!

For example, if you run a bakery, you can offer 15% off every Monday afternoon. Your customers will thank you for starting their week on a sweet note!

bakery campaign

84% of customers say that being treated like a person, not a number, is key to winning their business. Showing customers that you understand their schedules and moods – like needing a little motivation to start a gloomy week – helps customers feel like you care about them

For a multi-location business, running a weekly campaign like this could help turn your business into a beginning-of-the-week tradition. Integrating your business into consumers’ schedules and routines helps you secure loyal customers who come back again and again! 

Highlight cozy products during a cold snap

Weather has a huge impact on consumer behavior. And with unpredictable weather on the way, it’s great to implement a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. With Synup Campaigns, you can schedule a campaign to launch whenever it gets below a certain temperature. 

If you have products or services that are great in the cold, shout it from the rooftops! Here are a few examples of how sales change with the weather:

weather influences buyers

Whether or not your business has anything appealing for a freezing day (like a hot beverage), chances are at least a few people will stop in just to warm their hands. Running cold snap product features will help your business capitalize on the dwindling foot traffic – or even encourage customers to order your items for delivery!

Holiday specials

Of course, we had to include the obvious: holiday specials. There is no shortage of holidays coming up! Make sure to also note any festivals or events in your area – art shows, concerts, Christmas markets, etc. – so you can run local personalized promotions. Here are the national holidays coming up:

November 11: Veterans Day

November 24: Thanksgiving

November 25: Black Friday

November 28: Cyber Monday

December 19: First day of Hanukkah 

December 24: Christmas Eve

December 25: Christmas

December 26: Last day of Hanukkah

December 26: First day of Kwanzaa

December 31: New Year’s Eve

If your business has multiple locations, Synup Campaigns’ demographic overlay enables you to personalize your Campaigns even further. For instance, you can set holiday campaigns to run only for locations whose surrounding populations celebrate those holidays. With so many winter holidays overlapping, personalizing your campaigns in this way will make your customers feel like you really care about them.

Wondering how you can implement all of these great campaign ideas without working overtime to schedule them? Synup Campaigns lets you create custom campaigns and posts based on weather, season, or time of the week to show customers that their needs are always on your mind! And, you can create recurring campaigns or sync campaigns across locations – so bulk posting is hassle-free.

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