When it comes to marketing your business or improving its SEO, any expert will tell you that it all begins with research. Stats and data backed evidence about customer and user behaviour will allow you to understand the industry better. This data can then be used to detect patterns and predict trends, all of which will play a major role in shaping your business’ SEO strategy.

Here’s a curated list of 100 useful statistics on SEO, search, marketing, social media, and online content to help you with just that.

Mobile Search + Local SEO Statistics

  1. Almost a third of mobile searches are related to a location (Google)
  2. Mobile searches for “where to buy” have grown by 85% since 2015 (Google)
  3. Business listings with a website get 25-35% more clicks (Google)
  4. 97% people searched online to find a local business. (Hubspot)
  5. 90% of all mobile and tablet search traffic comes from Google (Net Market Share)
  6. Mobile accounts for 52.2% of all web traffic (Statista)
  7. Mobile voice-related searches are three times more likely to be local-based than text-related searches (Search Engine Watch)
  8. 88% of consumer local business searches on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours. (Nectafy)
  9. 46% of all searches on Google are seeking local information. (Hubspot)
  10. 86% of people look up the location of a business on Google Maps. (Go-Globe)
  11. 72% of consumers, who search for local businesses, end up visiting stores within five miles. (Hubspot)
  12. 92% of searchers will pick businesses on the first page of local search results. (Chitika)
  13. 60% of the people who search for a local business use smartphones. (Hubspot)
  14. 70% of customers visit a store based on information found online. (Bradley Shaw)
  15. 56% of local stores are yet to claim their local listing on Google. (Brandmuscle)
  16. More than 50% of ‘near me’ searches result in a store visit. (Mediapost)
  17. Between 20% and 25% of organic traffic converts to a lead. (Bradley Shaw)
  18. Search beats social media by more than 300% as a traffic source. (imForza)
  19. 67% prefer businesses whose apps or mobile sites target their location. (Think with Google)
  20. 33% who use mobile phones to search for local companies are looking for the location. (Hubspot)
  21. Almost 2 of 3 smartphone users are more likely to purchase from companies whose mobile sites or apps customize information to their location. (Think with Google )
  22. By 2021, mobile devices will influence over $1.4 trillion in locally based sales.  (Forrester).
  23. 65% of people use their mobile phone in their buying moments. (Think with Google)
  24. 71% of customers look to confirm the address before visiting a new store. (Search Engine Watch)
  25. 73% of consumers trust a business based on positive reviews. (Forbes)
  26. The Google 3-pack appears in the top spot in 93% of searches with local intent (Go-Globe)
  27. 60% of American Adults use Smartphones and tablets to search for local products and information. (Go-Globe)
  28. 78% of local mobile searches result in offline purchases. (Go-Globe)
  29. For local listings, 68% of searchers were found to have used ‘Get Directions’ or ‘Click to Call’ in a mobile ad. (Go-Globe)
  30. 93% of consumers say they are frustrated by incorrect information online. (AdviceLocal)
  31. 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site that they had trouble accessing, and 40% of them visit a competitor’s site. (Google)
  32. Websites that load in 5 seconds on mobile see 25% more ad visibility and 70% longer session duration. (Think With Google)
  33. 29% of consumers search for local businesses at least once every 7 days. (Main Street ROI)
  34. 75% of users never scroll beyond the first page of search results. (Hubspot)
  35. 18% of local mobile searches lead to a sale within one day. (Search Engine Land)
  36. 72% of people who conduct a local search will visit a store within 5 miles. (Hubspot)
  37. Mobile searches for “open” + “now” + “near me” have grown by 200%. (Think With Google)
  38. 72% of consumers say search is their first choice to find information on local merchants. (Main Street ROI)
  39. Positions 1, 2 and 3 in local search rankings get 24.46%, 13.38%, and 10.12% of all clicks respectively. (Advanced Web Ranking)
  40. Local listings after the 6th ranking position each get less than 2% of the clicks. (Advanced Web Ranking)
  41. Mobile searches for “store hours” are the highest on Christmas day. (Think With Google)
  42. Displaying reviews on your website can increase customer conversion by 270%. (Spiegel Research Centre)
  43. Consumers are more likely to purchase when star ratings are between 4.0 – 4.7 then decreases as the ratings get closer to 5.0. (Spiegel Research Centre)
  44. 82% of consumers seek out negative reviews. (Spiegel Research Centre)
  45. 68% of consumers have left a local business review. (LSA)
  46. 95% of consumers are suspicious of fake reviews if there are no bad reviews. (Revoo Blog)
  47. Customers have 2x more brand interactions on mobile than anywhere else. (LSA)
  48. Mobile searches containing the word “best” have grown by 80% in the past two years. (Think With Google)
  49. 89% of people are more likely to recommend a brand after a positive mobile experience. (Think With Google)
  50. 51% of smartphone users look for local information while on the go. (Google)
  51. 42% of all mobile brand experiences involve search. (Think With Google)
  52. 50% of search queries are four words or longer. (MarketingProfs)
  53. 70% – 80% of search engine users only focus on the organic results, ignoring the paid ads. (MarketingProfs)
  54. On average, search traffic converts 10x higher than social media on desktop. (MarketingProfs)
  55. 97% of page 1 results have at least one image on their page. (MarketingProfs)
  56. By 2021, mobile devices alone will influence $1.4 trillion in local sales. (Forrester)
  57. 67K searches are performed on Google every second. (MarketingProfs)
  58. 43% of customers do online research while in the store. (Wordstream)
  59. 93% of all online activities begin with search. (Search Engine Journal)
  60. 81% of consumers begin their buying process online before making a major purchase. (imFORZA)
  61. The SEO industry is projected to be worth $79 billion by 2020. (Search Engine Land)
  62. The average time spent on a search is less than one minute. (Moz)
  63. Businesses that use a strong keyword in their company name rank 1.5 spots higher in search results. (Local SEO Guide)
  64. 50% of searchers are more likely to click on a result if your brand appears multiple times in search results. (Brafton)
  65. 90% of searchers haven’t made their mind up about a brand before starting their search. (Status Labs)

Marketing Statistics

  1. 61% of marketers value ranking high on search engines. (Hubspot)
  2. 69% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company whose website or mobile app helps them easily find information. (AdviceLocal)
  3. 91% of users say access to content is very important. (Cardtapp)
  4. 56% of consumers shop equally online and offline. (Periscope by McKinsey)
  5. 72% of online marketers say that regular, relevant content creation is their most effective SEO tactic. (MarketingProfs)
  6. Inbound leads have a 14.6% close rate compared to only 1.7% for traditional methods like print advertising. (imFORZA)
  7. 61% of marketing professionals say improving SEO and growing organic presence is their top priority. (HubSpot)
  8. SEO leads cost 61% less than those generated by outbound methods like direct mail or cold calls. (Search Engine Journal)
  9. B2B marketers with blogs receive 67% more leads. (Inside View)
  10. A well-optimized video is 52x more likely to show up on the first page of a Google search than text. (Unbounce)

Social Media Statistics

  1. 59% of global consumers use social media as a source of inspiration for purchases. (AdviceLocal)
  2. 76% of US consumers have purchased a product they’ve seen in a social media post. (Curalate)
  3. 200 million Instagram users visit the social page of at least one brand every day. (Instagram)
  4. 60% of people say they discover new products on Instagram. (Instagram)
  5. 72% of consumers follow brands on social media for discounts. (LSA)
  6. 78.5% of Twitter users have tweeted at a brand. (Twitter Customer Insights)
  7. YouTube is the world’s 2nd largest search engine. (Mushroom Networks)
  8. 1.5 billion searches are performed daily on Facebook. (WordStream)
  9. 74% of people say they use Facebook for professional purposes. (Hubspot)
  10. 7/10 hashtags on Instagram are branded. (Sprout Social)
  11. Instagram hit 1 billion monthly users in June 2018, after hitting 800 million monthly users in September. (TechCrunch)

Voice Search Statistics

  1. 50% of all searches will be conducted via voice by 2020. (ComScore)
  2. An estimated one billion voice searches occur each month. (Alpine.AI)
  3. 35% of voice assistant users have made a purchase using a voice device. (LSA)
  4. 1 in 6 Americans own a smart speaker (~39M people). (NPR and Edison Research)
  5. On mobile, voice-based searches are 3x more likely than text. (Chitika)
  6. 39% of smart speaker users use it to search for local business information. (MarketingProfs)
  7. 37% use Siri, 23% use Microsoft’s Cortana, and 19% use Amazon’s Alexa at least monthly. (HubSpot)

Content Statistics

  1. Improvements in content have been known to increase blog traffic by as much as 2,000% (Marketing Sherpa)
  2. The average first-page result on Google contains 1,890 words (Backlinko)
  3. Companies that blog have 434% more indexed pages than those that don’t (TechClient)
  4. Brands and companies with blogs receive 97% more links to their website (State of Inbound)
  5. Updating and recycling old blog posts can increase traffic over 100%. (Backlinko)
  6. Blog titles with 6-13 words attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic. (Hubspot)
  7. Monthly podcast listeners grew from 24% of Americans to 26% year over year. (Edison Research)

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