Around 65% of Google searches result in zero clicks. That’s why we created Synup Campaigns – so consumers see your best, relevant content right on your digital profiles. Synup Campaigns drive the kind of business profile customizations that were nearly impossible at scale. Today, our customers are creating Campaigns for their multi-location brands with relevant, dynamically updated content based on: day/time, weather, or even special events. By displaying event-triggered content, brands gain consumers’ interest, increasing conversions and driving incremental revenue.

Now, we’ve added a new overlay for further customization: census and demographic data. With this product release, brands will be able to layer in census and demographics data to choose which business locations show their demographic-specific content. We use local census data to filter your locations, so only store locations with your target demographic will see that Campaign content.

Here’s an example: If you are a famous eyewear brand running a Campaign targeting Latino families, you can set your Campaign to show in locations whose demographics are at least 30% people aged 18 to 44, with household income over $60K, and identify as Latino. Campaigns will filter and display locations that match the criteria, making it easy for the brand users to create a personalized Campaign that is targeted to desired demographics. 

Why should you create campaigns with demographics and census data? 

Personalization is key to converting and retaining customers. According to a study published by Meta (Facebook), campaigns with demographic data have a 20% better reach than the ones without it. Over the past decade, business profiles have become the number one marketing channel for all brands. Over three-quarters of consumer interactions are happening with brands’ business profiles, such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc. It is more important to drive personalization on these third-party platforms. With Synup Campaigns, it is easy to serve relevant content across all of your business’ locations, piquing consumers’ interest and leading them to convert directly. Applying demographics and census data to this takes personalization to the next level, and we’re thrilled to give our clients this new capability for their Campaigns. Now, consumers can see media that resonates with them along with relevant content presented at the right time.

How to use the census data layer when creating Campaigns? 

If your content marketing team is currently not creating content targeting a certain demographic, then now is the time to do it. Use the diverse content produced in campaigns to take personalization to the next level. 62% of consumers say they are more likely to make a purchase when they identify with the people featured in branded content. 

Here’s how:

Then, upload the awesome content created by your content team that resonates with your target demographics! Add multiple Posts, profile updates, and more. We can’t wait to see your Campaigns!

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