I recently came across this post on the r/marketing subreddit about someone asking why the entry-level salaries of agency folk were unimpressive. It was immediately followed by comments and responses from tons of marketers who were talking about how your value as a marketer is all about the skills you acquire and how efficient you are at accomplishing your tasks. People went on to talk about how the higher up the rung you go and the better you are at your job, your salary will grow with you to become more rewarding.

With client meetings, due dates, and support requests filling everybody’s calendars, it goes without saying that agency life is a tough one. Every agency owner, account manager, and marketer out there know this, but they put in the hours and the effort because, in the end, it is rewarding when you get the job done right and contribute to helping your agency grow.

But this doesn’t come through losing your sleep or grinding with manual tasks done inefficiently, over and over again. Running a marketing agency requires effective processes in place in association with well-trained employees, powerful tools, and knowledge from experts who’ve done it all in the field. Be it managing, marketing, selling, designing, or working on SEO, every agency person out there needs to know about what tools and resources they need to employ to make sure that they deliver quality work on time.

We thought we could help you out in this department, so we combed the face of the internet to find 120 of the best tools & resources for agencies out there – just so you can stay ahead of the competition. We’ve carefully handpicked these items and categorized them for ease of access, so we’re getting the feeling that this post is going to be an enjoyable and resourceful read for you.

We’ve got online software, Chrome extensions, book suggestions, podcasts, and even webinars on this list – and on top of all that, we’ve written about what you can expect from each of these things. We’ve even gone the extra mile and talked about the unique use cases that some of these can offer you. We hope you like it!

Feel free to click on any of the links below to jump to the section that interests you:

  1. Tools and Resources for Growth Marketing
  2. Tools and Resources for Content
  3. Tools and Resources for SEO
  4. Tools and Resources for Agency and Project Management
  5. Tools and Resources for Creatives, Web Design and Video Production
  6. Tools and Resources for Marketing & PR
  7. Tools and Resources for Website and App Development
  8. Tools and Resources for Social Media Management
  9. Tools and Resources for Product and Data Analysis
  10. Tools and Resources for Sales and Demand Generation
  11. Tools and Resources for Customer Support and Success


Tools and Resources for Growth Marketing

Online Tools

#1 Typeform

Typeform is a tool built for one specific purpose – getting people to fill forms up. You can use it to conduct polls, get feedback, get referrals, basically anything that you can get a form to do for you. Typeform also allows you to embed forms that you create to WordPress, webpages, etc.

#2 Clearbit for Marketers

Clearbit for Marketers allows users to customize content for each type of user that visits your website and helps auto-fill user forms to improve sign-ups and conversion rates. The product also doubles up as a prospecting tool, helping you find new leads and connect with prospects.

#3 Discourse

Discourse.org works on the fundamental idea of providing a community discussion platform for a use-case of your choice. It helps crowdsource solutions to issues and create communities of people who are passionate about things that your company loves to talk about.

#4 VWO

VWO is a conversion rate optimization (CRO) platform that allows you to create A/B tests, heatmaps, and optimization roadmaps to improve the number of leads you earn from your website visitors’ sessions.

#5 Zapier

Zapier is a simple but powerful integration manager that allows you to automate workflows between completely unrelated apps that you find on the internet. Zapier uses activities from one app to trigger actions in others, helping you save a lot of time and allow your company to function effectively at scale.

#6 AutoPilot

There can be no great growth marketing tool list without an email marketing software, and there can be no great email marketing software list without AutoPilot. AutoPilot allows you to do anything and everything when it comes to email marketing, may it be for setting up nurture campaigns, creating custom lists of users, sending newsletters, etc.

#7 AdRoll

AdRoll is an ad targeting and optimization platform that will help you get better results and improve your paid ads conversion rate.

#8 Sumo

Sumo’s software is all about improving your lead generation. With the help of pop-ups, sliders, and smart bars, Sumo helps you improve sign-ups and get more leads from your website. It even comes with a built-in multivariate testing suite that helps you create forms that convert better.

#9 Inspectlet

Inspectlet allows you to record user sessions and see heatmaps of website visitors to see how they find their way through your website. This can provide you with useful data about the issues that users face when they navigate through web pages and lead generation forms that you have created.

#10 Builtwith

Want to know what tools your competitor’s using, or what their website has been built with? Builtwith allows you to do just that.

#11 Expandi.io

Exapndi.io is a great tool for B2B marketing teams looking to leverage LinkedIn. It allows you to put your LinkedIn marketing operations on autopilot. View profiles, send invites, and messages based on your ICP automatically. 

However, we highly recommend personalizing messages and invites to avoid the spam trap. 

Bonus: AeroLeads

AeroLeads is a prospecting tool that extracts business data like business email, phone number, etc. from multiple sites like LinkedIn, Angellist, CrunchBase, and Google. The software has some prominent feature like bulk email verification and domain search which helps the marketer to maintain a clean database for sales and marketing.


#12 Conversion XL Blog

Conversion XL’s blog is the go-to place for anybody who’d like to learn more about CRO. The website also features experiments that others have run and data-backed studies of people who’ve helped their company grow.

#13 Coelevate Blog

Brian Balfour talks about growth hacking and how it can help your company and its employees do more and grow bigger than ever before in his blog, Coelevate.

#14 Content Marketing Institute

Content Marketing Institute (CMI) publishes new content every day – from movers and shakers to their flagship “This week in content marketing” column offers useful insights for marketers looking to transform their content strategy into a revenue driver.


#15 r/GrowthHacking/

The r/GrowthHacking/ subreddit is the go-to forum if you want to talk to other growth marketers and learn more about how you can help your company grow.

#16 GrowthHackers

Growthhackers is a closely-knit community of growth marketers that also allows you to republish your content as well. They also hold AMAs with proven marketers regularly.


#17 Growth Marketing Toolbox

Growth Marketing Toolbox is Earnworthy’s podcast about growth hacks. They also invite marketers as guests to talk about their experiments, accomplishments, and learnings.

#18 Growth by Drift

Hosted by Matt Bilotti and part of the Seeking Wisdom family of podcasts, Growth, explores everything from developing a growth mindset, deploying tactics, experimental marketing, and more. The podcast also features some of the most prolific minds in growth hacking as panel guests. What we like: Matt’s unique storytelling approach.


#19 The Growth Handbook by Intercom

This e-book tells gives you actionable strategies on how to grow your business. It talks about acquiring new customers, retaining them, optimizing your growth formula, and much more.


Tools and Resources for Content

Online Tools

#20 Ubersuggest

Content writing starts with keyword analysis. No good content strategy can succeed if the marketers are not targeting the right search terms, and that’s exactly what Ubersuggest helps you do. Ubersuggest, recently acquired by Neil Patel, has to be the best keyword research tool out there, considering the fact that all other keyword research tools are paid. Paid alternatives for this tool are Hypersuggest and Keywordtool.io.

#21 Unamo

Keyword analysis followed by content marketing has to end with rank tracking, and Unamo might just be the best rank tracking tool out there. Their product even allows users to compare themselves to competitors, and shows data about your positions in local packs, image packs, and featured snippets as well.

#22 Unsplash

Unsplash is the best go-to place for copyright-free images that you can use with your featured image or in the body of your article. The quality of pictures that the crowdsourced platform offers is truly unmatched.

#23 Coverr

Coverr is the video version of Unsplash; in other words, Coverr allows users to download copyright-free stock videos for free usage.

#24 Uberflip

Uberflip aims to change the content experience game by providing what they call ‘content hubs’ for content, that aggregate the content that you write and deliver it in a webpage on your website. The software allows you to customize the content according to the needs of the person who’s viewing it, helping provide a relevant content experience to customers of your website.

#25 Evernote

Evernote is a widely used note-taking app that’s not built just for content, but we thought we’d put it in here anyway. Evernote allows you to quickly jot things down or come up with hypotheses/outlines/plans that you can share with your team for collaborations.

#26 Asana

Asana is built to be a project management tool, but it can work as the perfect tool for your team’s content calendar as well if you use it right. The app also allows users to color-code tasks based on the section that they belong to or the stage of completion that they are in. Check out how our content team’s Asana board looks like to get an idea of how you can model your content calendar using Asana!

Tools and Resources for Your Agency

Chrome Extensions

#27 Grammarly

The Grammarly Chrome extension is one of the first things you should download if you’re starting out with copywriting or content marketing, and one that will save you a great deal of embarrassment in the future. It’s built to ensure that you make no mistakes while writing content and does just that.

Twitter Handles

#28 Andy Crestodina

Andy Crestodina, co-founder and content marketer at Orbit Media, is a must-follow Twitter influencer if you’re in the content field.

#29 Joe Pulizzi

Joe Pulizzi is best known for being the founder of the Content Marketing Institute and is also considered one of the most influential content marketers of all time. 


#30 The Conversion Marketer’s Guide to Landing Page Copywriting by Unbounce

This e-book might be the conversion marketer’s way to find their way around building good copy for their landing page. However, the fact that it teaches you how to write content that will convert is the one reason every content writer needs to read this e-book that’s filled with tips and tricks to coming up with the right copy on web pages.

Tools and Resources for SEO

Online Tools

#31 Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is an ’SEO spider’ tool, which means that it crawls websites and extracts information about every webpage that’s present on a website. It also extracts the title tag, meta description, and H1 tags of the webpages, which makes it easy for you to start working on the SEO of the website. It also gives you data about the redirects and the broken links on every page.

#32 Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the backlink and domain/page authority checkers that you can find on the internet. You can use Ahrefs to examine the link profile of the website you’re managing and see where your competitors are getting their backlinks from as well.

#33 Synup

Synup is one of the most comprehensive and affordable local business marketing tools out there. Synup’s features include listings management, review monitoring, rank tracking, reputation management, and business analytics. The product is also available as a completely white-labeled solution for agencies.

#34 SpyFu

SpyFu allows you to track keywords for which competitors are running ads or ranking organically. This gives you insights into how your competitor handles their marketing and helps make your own marketing efforts more streamlined.


#35 Search Engine Land

Search Engine Land is one of the most authoritative SEO and SEM blogs out there on the internet. If you have any doubts or questions about SEO, Search Engine Land is the place you need to head to. Similar websites for SEO that you can check out our Search Engine Watch and Search Engine Journal.

#36 Backlinko Blog

The Backlinko blog is THE place that you need to go to if you want to learn more about how to build backlinks at scale for improving your link profile. The blog also features tons of experiments around SEO and experiential articles that will give you proven methods to improve your SEO.

#37 SEO by the Sea

SEO by the Sea is extremely unique in its offering when it comes to SEO blogs. Bill Slawski delivers deep insights about SEO by analyzing patents from Google, working on determining how search engine algorithms work.

#38 Neil Patel Blog

It’s hard to create a good list of SEO blogs without adding Neil Patel’s blog to it. This blog features tons of step-by-step guides, starting from the very basic topics, about things you can do to improve your SEO.

E-books and Training Resources

#39 Local SEO Superguide by Synup

The Synup Local SEO Superguide starts with the very basics when it comes to local SEO, answering questions about what local SEO is, and how you can build a business’ local SEO from scratch, provided with examples.

#40 Local SEO Checklist

The Local SEO Checklist website features a printable checklist that can take you through each step of local SEO that one needs to go through in order to cover all bases. Every element on the website links out to a thorough article about how you should optimize business’ websites and listings, which makes it an extremely useful resource for beginners and people who are looking to optimize their process alike.

#41 A Beginner’s Guide to Local SEO by Moz

Moz’s guide on local SEO provides in-depth information about how a business/agency should go about their local SEO efforts.


#42 r/bigseo

No better community to head to when it comes to SEO than r/bigseo! Users on this forum talk about everything from Google updates to SEO practices, giving you the perfect platform for talking to peers and experts about anything and everything SEO.

#43 r/localseo

The r/localseo subreddit features local SEO trends and local SEO tool requests/reviews, making it the ideal place to go if you want to learn more about the first-hand experiences of the local SEO specialist.

Twitter Handles

#44 Google Search Liaison

Google Search Liaison is the verified profile for confirming any news about search engine algorythm updates and changes. It is a must-follow for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the SEO game.

#45 Barry Schwartz

Barry Schwartz is the founder of Search Engine Roundtable and a news editor at Search Engine Land. He is also the founder of Rusty Brick, a New York based web service company. Barry is a popular figure in the SEO realm, making him a must-follow SEO expert.

#46 Gianluca Fiorelli

Gianluca Fiorelli is another SEO expert that you need to follow if you want to learn more about SEO. He’s the founder of The Inbounder and is a Moz Associate as well.

Tools and Resources for Agency and Project Management

Online Tools

#47 Workfront

Workfront is a workflow management tool that’s proven to greatly improve the pace at which your agency can deliver results by streamlining your company’s process.

#48 Trello

Trello is one of the most widely used project management tools out there. The app allows teams to manage their tasks with ease and comes built-in with third-party integrations as well.


#49 The Obstacle is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph by Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday bases this book loosely on the concept of stoicism and delivers what seems to be one of the most-loved success formulae of all time, no matter which field you are in. Fans of this book include several well-known politicians, sportspeople, and celebrities.

#50 Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell’s book focuses on one question – ‘What makes high-achievers different from the rest of the world?’. If you want to know the answer to this question, then this book is the right choice for you.

#51 Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin

Purple Cow is one of the most recommended marketing books out there. Seth Godin talks about how to develop a remarkable product and goes on to talk about how you can market it right.

#52 The Effective Executive by Peter F. Drucker

Another classic – this management book from Peter F. Drucker is a must-read for anyone who wants to improve the way they manage time, make decisions, contribute to an organization, work effectively and prioritize their tasks right.

#53 How Google Works by Eric Schmidt

Ever wondered how Google built a company that seems to do everything differently, and how it earned a name for having an unparalleled corporate work culture? This book will tell you all that you need to know.


#54 Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour by Blair Enns

Pricing Creativity is an e-book about the pricing theory that every creative professional should adopt. This highly rated eBook can also be purchased with the manual which includes a tools section, or with the total package which includes the manual, tools, and supporting videos.

#55 How to Hire Marketing Talent for Your Agency by Synup

Interviewing candidates for your agency’s marketing team, but not quite sure what to expect from them? This ebook talks about the questions that you need to ask candidates who want to get into your marketing team in their interview, and how you can judge whether they’re a good fit for your business from their answers.


#56 Smart Agency Podcast

Jason Swenk interviews top agency founders and marketers out there in his podcast series and talks about their experiences while focusing on the topic of how agencies can grow faster.

#57 Masters of Scale

Masters of Scale is a podcast series hosted by Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn and Investor at Greylock. He interviews leaders in the industry about things that companies need to do to operate efficiently at scale and focuses on how companies start from scratch and grow to billions of dollars in valuation.

#58 Recode Decode

Kara Swisher hosts industry leaders, politicians, and media personalities in this popular podcast series.

#59 How I Built This

Guy Raz talks to the founders of some of the most famous companies of today’s world, who take us through their journey of how they got their business running and eventually scaled to global popularity.

Twitter Handles

#60 David Aaker

David Aaker, who is the current Vice-Chairman of Prophet, is widely considered to be one of the world’s foremost experts when it comes to branding and brand relevance.

#61 R/GA

R/GA is a multi-service agency that got featured on Ad Age’s 2017 Agency A-List. Their Twitter account is a must-follow if you want to learn how a marketing agency can effectively use social media to keep its audience engaged.

Bonus: Time Doctor

Time Doctor is a great project management tool that focuses on making employees more productive. The tool supports integrations with some of the best project management tools out there and also helps track billable hours of work – something that agencies can greatly benefit from.


Tools and Resources for Creatives, Web Design, and Video Production

Online Tools

#62 unDraw

unDraw.co is going to be your best friend if you’re designing a website that has illustrations on a tight deadline. You can search for illustrations that will be a good fit on your website, and the best part? You can change the color accents to ones that go with your website before downloading them as SVGs.

#63 Wistia

Wistia is a video hosting solution for businesses that was originally created to help filmmakers and production houses collaborate remotely on projects. Apart from the video hosting product, Wistia also has tons of in-depth guides about video production and video marketing.

#64 Animaker

Animaker is a simple-to-use online animation video maker software. The tool allows you to make all kinds of animated videos, from explainers to lyric videos for YouTube.

Bonus: Renderforest

Renderforest is an online video, animation, logo, and website maker. It’s an all-in-one branding platform that helps you create all that you need to promote your business. Use the branding tools to create a professional logo, broadcast quality videos, and publish them on your new website.

Offline Tools

#65 Sketch

If you’re a designer, then it’s completely likely that you’ve already come across Sketch. Sketch is an offline designing and prototyping tool that is ideal for making all kinds of design projects – ranging from banner ads to e-books to webpage mockups.

#66 Framer

Framer is an interactive design, prototyping, and collaboration tool that is ideal if you’re working as a product designer at any agency.

Blogs and Resources

#67 Signal v. Noise

Signal v. Noise is a blog that focuses both on the design and business/tech part of a designer’s life. You can find tons of opinion pieces as well tips & tricks about design workflow management on this blog.

#68 UX Magazine

UX Magazine is the place to go to if you’re looking for design tips, UX events or even browsing for jobs in the industry. It also features tons of guest articles written by UX experts from all over the world.

#69 A List Apart

A List Apart is a website that is dedicated to talking about best practices and tips when it comes to design, web development, and providing web content.

#70 Hack Design

This website offers an easy-to-follow, step-by-step design course that you can use to learn design. Hack Design offers one lesson each week delivered straight to your inbox to make you a better designer.

#71 Subtle Patterns – From Toptal

Subtle Patterns is a repository of patterns and backgrounds that you can use on any product, website, or design that you are working on. And the best part? It is completely free to use by anybody, provided you credit them in the right places.

Chrome Extensions

#72 Colorzilla

Colorzilla is a handy Chrome extension that will act as an eyedropper, color picker, and color analysis tool on your design and creative projects.

Tools and Resources for Marketing & PR

Online Tools

#73 Babbler

Babbler is a platform that PR professionals, businesses and influencers can use to connect with each other. If you’re a business that’s looking out for coming up with a PR strategy and meeting new influencers, or if you’re a reporter/influencer looking for new stories to cover, then Babbler is the right marketplace for you.

#74 Buzzstream

Buzzstream is an email marketing tool that allows you to find influencers and lay out email templates that you can use to automate your email outreach. You can even create follow-ups emails that will be automatically sent after a specified number of days.

Bonus: ContactOut

ContactOut is a simple browser extension that helps you find email addresses and phone numbers of anyone on LinkedIn. ContactOut finds emails from 75% of Linkedin users at a 97% accuracy rate and is considered to be one of the best freemium email outreach tools available.

Blogs and Resources

#75 Marketing Land

Marketing Land is the go-to blog when it comes to anything and everything marketing. This very active blog covers everything that happens in the marketing realm, from social media to SEM to MarTech.

#76 ReallyGoodEmails

If you’re not sure about how your next email newsletter should look or what content it needs to have, a quick visit to ReallyGoodEmails is should give you all the inspiration you need. This website has a collection of all the top-quality emails, categorized by type and date.


#77 r/marketing

No good marketing resource suggestion list can exist without a mention of this spectacular subreddit! r/marketing is where you need to be if you are seeking marketing advice, suggestions for your next marketing-related read, or if you want to draw inspiration for a post titled ‘120 Tools and Resources for Running an Agency’, or something of that sort.

#78 r/smallbusiness

If you’re an agency that’s focused on the growth of small businesses, or if you want to learn how the small business landscape is shaping up right now, head over to the r/smallbusiness subreddit,


#79 Marketo Webinars

Marketo has tons of live and on-demand webinars that marketers can benefit from. The webinars cover a wide variety of topics from content marketing and scaling your marketing efforts to demand generation and measuring the impact of your marketing for your company.


#80 Mind Your Marketing

This fun podcast hosted by Justin Kerby and Jordan Scheltgen is all about delivering news about what’s trending in the world of tech and marketing, right to your earphones.


#81 Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy

David Ogilvy needs no introduction – he is popularly known as the father of advertising and was the founding member of the advertising agency, Ogilvy and Mather. This book covers everything from how one can land a job in marketing, to how agency advertising can not only help businesses grow but can help charities as well.

#82 Guerilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levinson

First published in 1984, Guerilla Marketing talks about how marketers on a tight budget can think laterally to get great marketing results. Over the years, the book has gone through several changes to make it more relevant for its time – making it a great read for marketers from any generation.

Tools and Resources for Website and App Development

Online Tools

#83 Flaticon

You most likely know what Flaticon is all about if you’ve worked in app/web development in the past. Flaticon is an online repository of icons from various icon developers. It offers a ton of free icons alongside its premium repository of icons that you’ll need to pay for. An alternative to Flaticon is Iconfinder.

#84 Web Gradients

Web Gradients is a simple repository of gradients that can help you save a ton of time if you’re planning to use gradients in your ongoing projects. The website displays a preview of the gradient preset, and also allows you to copy the CSS directly to your code.

#85 JPEG Mini – Image Optimization Tool

JPEG Mini is a simple image optimization tool that decreases the file size of your image without any reduction in quality.

#86 Proto.io

Proto.io is an easy-to-use, collaborative prototyping tool. The software allows web developers to come up with interactive prototypes for apps and websites without having to design anything.

#87 LiveReload

Tired of refreshing the webpage you’re developing every time you make a small change? LiveReload automatically reloads and preprocesses webpages when it notices a change in your file system. A simple tool that will save you a lot of time and effort.

#88 Buildfire

Buildfire is a customizable platform that is built to minimize the amount of effort that’s put into developing an app. This online software allows you to build new apps in no time for your business.

#89 DomainRacer

DomainRacer is a web, reseller, and VPS hosting platform that is optimized for WordPress and Magento.

Bonus: FluidUI

FluidUI is an online mobile and web app prototyping platform that has a host of features. It helps design interactive apps quickly and with ease, featuring its own built-in libraries for material design, iOS, Windows, and Wireframe. It also allows users to work on collaborative prototyping projects, and run remote user tests.

Blogs and Resources

#90 HTML Color Codes

New to HTML or looking to improve your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and general color science? HTML Color Codes has a color picker, color chart, a list of browser-supported colors with names, along with tutorials and resources to make you better at CSS and SCSS.

#91 Codecademy

Again, it’s unlikely that you don’t know about this website if you’re working in web development, but no exhaustive list of resources can go without Codecademy as a part of it. Codecademy is the website you need to visit if you’re working on making yourself a better coder.

#92 David Walsh

David Walsh is a web developer and software engineer from Madison, Wisconsin. David’s blog has tons of tutorials, demos, and blog posts around the topics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SEO.

Chrome Extensions

Check My Links is a handy Chrome Extension that quickly tells you which of the links on your current webpage throw errors when you try to access them.

Tools and Resources for Social Media Management

Online Tools

#94 Mention

Mention (now acquired by Mynewsdesk) is a brand listening and social media monitoring tool that lets you know whenever your brand’s name is mentioned on social media sites. It can be especially handy if you’re trying to build a your brand by conversing with people who are talking about you, or if you want to stay on top of what customers think about you and manage your online reputation as well.

#95 Buffer

Buffer is a post-scheduling tool that has revolutionized the social media management game since its inception. Beyond that, it offers analytics about your social media as well.

#96 Hootsuite

Hootsuite is yet another social media management tool that allows users to bulk schedule their posts to go out on all their social media profiles.

#97 Sendible

Sendible is a full-stack social media management tool that allows you to collaborate, analyze and listen on social media.


#98 The Marketer’s Guide to Facebook by Contently

This ebook from Contently talks about everything that you need to know about Facebook marketing for your business/client.

#99 Top 25 Social Media Strategies by Buffer

This ebook by buffer contains 25 social media strategies that will make your SMM game better.

Tools and Resources for Product and Data Analysis

Online Tools

#100 Datanyze

Datanyze is a technographics company that is built to improve the way your business analyzes insights, using it to drive sales and improves lead prospecting in the future.

#101 Google Data Studio

If you want to put all your data from Google Analytics into a beautiful report with data visualizations for your team and the executives at your company, then Google Data Studio is the tool that you need.

#102 Geckoboard

Geckoboard is a customizable dashboard creator that you can use to build a dashboard that will measure the metrics and KPIs that are most suitable for your company.

Offline Tools

#103 Tableau

Tableau is a powerful data analysis and business intelligence software. You can come up with visualizations, use them to work on case studies that involve a lot of data, and collaborate with your teammates while you’re at it.


#104 The Product Manager’s Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed as a Product Manager by Steven Haines

This book provides best practices, practical on-the-job advice, and a step-by-step blueprint for you to succeed as a product manager. The Product Manager’s Survival Guide is built to give you everything that you need to become a better product manager, irrespective of your level of expertise and your experience.

Tools and Resources for Sales and Demand Generation

Online Tools

#105 Outreach.io

Outreach.io allows sales and demand generation personnel to mail and call their prospects. The tool is built to maximize the productivity of the users, with integrated workflows and an intuitive design.

#106 Calendly

While Calendly is not a tool that’s built specifically for sales, it can be a lifesaver when it comes to scheduling meetings without all the back-and-forth emails about what time works for you and your prospect the best.

#107 Postwire

Postwire is a tool that helps salespeople personalize the way they interact with their prospects. Making a Postwire is easy as well, owing to the presence of saved templates and a simple-to-use user interface.

Blogs and Resources

#108 Sandler Training Blog

The Sandler Training blog is filled with content that is dedicated to make you a better salesperson for your company, and if you’re a manager, help you manage your sales team better as well.

#109 Grant Cardone’s Blog

Grant Cardone’s blog is all about making you a master at sales, and they’re built to (as their tagline goes) 10X your business and life with their content. Apart from this, there are tons of tutorials and on-demand webinars that are available on this blog.

#110 The Sales Blog

Anthony Iannarino, a sales expert, posts daily tips and insights in The Sales Blog. Beyond the blog posts, there are training resources and toolkits that are also available to make you a better salesperson.


#111 Sales Hacker

The Sales Hacker Podcast is hosted by Sam Jacobs, wherein he interviews sales leaders from several top companies to derive insights about making a sales team and a salesperson more efficient.

#112 Salesman Podcast

Will Barron, the host of the Salesman podcast, focuses entire episodes on different aspects of a sales job, like finding opps, winning sales, managing accounts, etc. This podcast series makes for a great listen if you’re a salesperson looking to improve the way you work and helps you get exactly the content that you need within seconds.

#113 Stories from the Sales Floor

The Stories from the Sales Floor podcast, hosted by Dan and Pouyan from Datanyze and PersistIQ, brings you sales insights directly from the sales experiences of the hosts.


#114 InsideSales.com Webinars

Webinars that will help quash all the doubts that you have when it comes to selling and sales processes.


#115 Sales Fails: 11 Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Close a Deal

This ebook from Salesforce is focused on coaching you to help you avoid common mistakes while closing a deal and improving your sales numbers.

Tools and Resources for Customer Support and Success

#116 HubSpot CRM

HubSpot is one of the world’s leading CRM platforms. The software extends to a service hub that seamlessly hands over the closed lead from sales to customer support seamlessly.

#117 Freshdesk

Freshdesk is an online customer support and helpdesk solution suite that helps you handle support tickets for your business at scale.

#118 LiveChat

LiveChat is an online chat platform that helps businesses deliver better customer service.

Blogs and Resources

#119 Glide Consulting Blog

The Glide Consulting blog maintained by Nils Vinje, a customer success expert, contains content around customer success that is thoroughly insightful. It makes for a great read for anybody in customer success.

#120 Sixteen Ventures

Lincoln Murphy’s blog, Sixteen Ventures, is a blog that has tons of content around how a company can use customer success-driven growth to scale and succeed.


#121 Zendesk Webinars

Zendesk’s webinars, titled Zen Masters of Customer Service, features top customer service professionals teaching you what you need to do to become a better customer service professional.

#122 Gartner Customer Service Webinars

Gartner seems like an unlikely resource for customer service resources. however, their recent collection of webinars particularly focused on changing customer experience (CX) technology trends in response to COVID-19 are some of the best resources available online. Their webinars typically feature subject matter experts and the latest research around CX and customer support.


#123 The Art of Client Service: 58 Things Every Advertising & Marketing Professional Should Know, Robert Solomon

If you work in an agency as an account manager, then this book is perfect for you. The Art of Clients Service contains 58 effective tips that will make you a better account manager overnight.

That brings us to the end of this exhaustive list! We hope that these tools and resources make you a better agency professional. Subscribe to our blog newsletter if you’d like to get more such posts delivered right to your inbox.

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