Are you still writing lengthy blogs or quirky social media posts for your brand and calling it a day? Content comes in many forms, enough to wow your customers with a fresh feed every time they come across your brand. Wanna get inspired quickly? Here’s a list of 35 engaging content formats you can start using today to up your digital game.

1. Blog Posts

Blog posts are the bread and butter of content marketing. These written articles allow you to share your expertise, tell stories, and connect with your audience in an informal yet informative way. They’re incredibly useful because you can drive traffic to your website through search engines and social shares.

Blog posts also help you cover any topic in awesome depth, positioning yourself as a thought leader that people want to listen to. Plus, they steadily build trust and credibility with readers over time as you pump out more quality content.

Where to publish your blog posts

  • Your own website/blog is the obvious place to host them
  • You can also repurpose posts as guest posts on relevant industry blogs/publications
  • Share teasers or excerpt blog posts on social platforms like LinkedIn to drive readers back to your site

2. Social Media Posts

Social media posts are the snackable, bite-sized content that feeds our endless content cravings. Whether it’s a punchy tweet, an inspirational Instagram caption, or a hot take on LinkedIn, crafting scroll-stopping social posts is an art form.

These micro-content pieces pack a punch by delivering value in concentrated doses. They’re the perfect vessels for sharing breaking news, sparking conversations, or giving sneak peeks into your world. Plus, social posts are ultra-shareable, allowing your message to spread like wildfire.

Where to share social media posts

  • Twitter for quick commentary and threads
  • Instagram for visual storytelling through images/videos
  • LinkedIn for thought leadership and industry insights
  • Facebook for community updates and engagement
  • TikTok for entertaining, trendy video content

3. Customer Testimonials

In the world of content, customer testimonials are solid gold. These glowing reviews and case studies provide social proof that your products or services are seriously delivered.

Testimonials are incredibly persuasive because they showcase real-life results from actual customers. They hit differently than marketing fluff by offering true credibility. Prospects can easily picture themselves as the success story.

Where to feature customer testimonials

  • Product/service landing pages on your website
  • Case study sections to spotlight top clients
  • Sales decks and proposal materials  
  • Video testimonial campaigns and ads
  • Social media content for instant credibility

4. Local Guides

When it comes to connecting with your local community, guides are a must-have content piece. These location-specific resources provide an insider’s perspective on the best places, events, and hidden gems in a particular area.

Local guides are powerful because they-

  • Help you tap into geo-targeted audiences interested in your city/region
  • Position your brand as a local authority and trusted voice
  • Allow you to showcase your deep local expertise and knowledge  
  • Can cover diverse topics like food, attractions, businesses, history, etc.

Where to publish local guides

  • As a section on your website’s blog or resources hub
  • In local business/tourism publications and community sites
  • On your social media channels and local influencer’s feeds
  • In printed form at visitor centers, hotels, local shops, etc.

5. Email Newsletters

In an era of fleeting content, email newsletters are a refreshingly intimate way to nurture lasting connections with your audience. These regular inbox drop-ins consistently fuel engagement in a space free from algorithms and feed clutter.


Email newsletters are vital because they

  • Allow you to communicate directly with an opted-in, engaged subscriber base
  • Offer an owned platform to share content on your own terms (vs rented social media land)
  • Make it easy to establish thought leadership and consistent touchpoints
  • Help nurture relationships that can convert subscribers into customers

Where to promote and share newsletters  

  • Website pop-ups and homepage banners for sign-ups
  • Existing email lists and subscriber re-engagement campaigns 
  • Social media accounts to drive more subscriptions
  • Lead magnets like downloadables in exchange for email sign-ups

6. Videos

Videos are a powerful and engaging content format that allows you to connect with your audience through visuals, audio, and storytelling in a dynamic way. They have the incredible ability to capture attention, make complicated topics more understandable, and leave a lasting impact on viewers. 

Videos are useful because they humanize your brand, showcase your personality, illustrate processes and product demos effectively, and can evoke strong emotions that build connections. With video, you can truly bring your content to life in an immersive and memorable way. 

Where to publish/share videos

  • YouTube channel 
  • Website/blog posts
  • Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc)
  • Video streaming platforms like Vimeo
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Offline at events, trade shows, or as part of a sales process

7. Infographics

Infographics are the ultimate visual learning tool for breaking down complex information into digestible, shareable visuals. By combining engaging design elements like illustrations, charts, icons, and graphics with bite-sized text, infographics make data and insights instantly understandable and appealing to consume. 

Source: Canva

They are incredibly useful content because they simplify concepts, highlight key facts and statistics in a skimmable format, and make your messaging more impactful and memorable through clever visual storytelling.

Where to publish infographics

  • On your website/blog posts
  • Across social media platforms  
  • In email newsletters or lead magnets
  • As embeddable graphics on other websites/blogs
  • Printed versions at live events or for sales collateral
  • Repurposed and broken into bite-sized visuals like graphics and social media posts

8. Interactive Maps

Interactive maps are a highly engaging type of content that brings location data and geographic information to life in an immersive, visual format. By combining maps with interactive elements like clickable hotspots, filters, and multimedia overlays, you can turn a flat map into an informative, user-friendly experience. 


Interactive maps excel at providing localized insights, directions, and tours of an area and displaying data points tied to specific places. They make digesting spatial information intuitive and explorable at the user’s pace.

Where to publish interactive maps

  • As dedicated sections or tools on your website
  • Embedded within relevant blog posts or articles
  • Included in emails as call-to-action links and resources
  • Shared on social media to drive traffic for user interactions
  • Repurposed into short video walkthroughs or visual teasers

9. Webinars

Webinars have become a content marketing powerhouse by enabling real-time virtual events and presentations that educate audiences on a mass scale. These live, interactive sessions offer an incredibly effective way to share expertise, thought leadership, product demos, and training over the Internet. 

Webinars build credibility by allowing you to have a direct dialogue with attendees through video, screen sharing, chat features, and live Q&A elements. Their ability to facilitate engagement makes them useful for generating leads, providing customer education, and strengthening brand loyalty.

Where to host and promote webinars

  • On webinar platforms like GoToWebinar, Zoom, etc.
  • Registration pages on your website to build an attendee list
  • Email marketing campaigns to subscribers
  • Social media posts and paid ads to drive sign-ups 
  • As on-demand replays and recordings on your site
  • Through partner co-promotion and collaborations


10. Podcasts

Podcasts have surged in popularity as a convenient, consumable way for people to access audio content on the go. As an intimate, episodic format, podcasts enable you to build a tribe of loyal listeners who tune in for your insights, expertise, or entrancing storytelling.

Well-produced podcasts foster a strong connection with your audience through the power of voice while seamlessly integrating into their daily routines like commutes or workouts. This medium is incredibly useful for giving behind-the-scenes glimpses into your world, interviewing guests, providing commentary, and exploring niche topics in-depth.

Where to distribute/promote your podcast

  • On podcast streaming platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts
  • Your website through embedded audio players 
  • Social media channels to share audio snippets and drive listeners
  • In email newsletters as downloadable audio files
  • Within relevant blog content as supplementary episodes

11. E-books

E-books position you as a credible, authoritative source on subjects by delivering comprehensive knowledge and research in a professionally packaged format. As premium lead magnets, e-books prove their worth to readers by providing substantial value and solutions to their pain points.

Readers appreciate the portability and engaging experience e-books enable, whether reading on-screen or as printable PDFs. E-books give you the ideal extended format to explore topics thoroughly through text, visuals, data, and examples all in one cohesive package.

Where to use/promote e-books

  • Gated resources on landing pages to capture leads
  • Email nurture campaigns as valuable content offers
  • On websites as downloadable files or interactive multimedia books
  • Through social media summits or virtual events as bonuses
  • As kits supplemented with checklists, templates, etc.

12. Photo Galleries

This is more specific to local brands who want to showcase their brick-and-mortar locations and promote their products/services within the community. You can create aesthetic photo and video galleries of your store/location, highlighting your products, their look and feel, and the overall ambiance of the place. People are much more likely to pay attention to visuals than text content.


Where to use photo galleries

  • Photo galleries can be embedded on your website
  • You can also add them to your local listings and Google Business Profile

13. Case Studies

Case studies are the proof in the pudding that showcases your products or services in action through real-world client examples. These comprehensive success stories walk through the challenges a customer faces, the solutions you provided, the methodologies used, and the measurable results achieved.

Case studies are powerful marketing tools because they provide third-party validation of your capabilities. They offer relatable narratives that resonate with prospects facing similar pain points. Reading an in-depth case study instills confidence that you can replicate success.

Where to feature case studies

  • In a dedicated case studies section on your website
  • As part of sales presentations and proposal materials
  • Within blog posts or email newsletters as Story examples
  • Highlighted on product/service landing pages
  • Across social media channels for social proof
  • Repurposed into videos, graphics, testimonial quotes

Check out our case studies page for reference

14. User-Generated Content

In the content marketing realm, user-generated content holds a unique place as material created by your actual customers and audience. UGC manifests as authentic product reviews, candid social media posts, unboxing videos, and more – all organically produced by passionate fans.


This type of content is impactful because it’s unfiltered, builds social proof, and fosters a community around your brand. UGC signals you have highly engaged customers willing to promote you through their own channels and creative efforts.  

Where to source and share UGC

  • Social media posts using branded hashtags/tagging you
  • Customer reviews on sites like G2Crowd or Amazon  
  • Photo/video contests asking users to submit creative content
  • Customer interview-style Q&As on your blog
  • Fan art, impressive reactions, or product showcase posts
  • User stories collected via surveys, forums, live chats

15. How-to Guides

How-to guides are those wonderfully practical pieces of content that walk readers through step-by-step instructions to complete a specific task or process. Their appeal lies in the clear, actionable direction they provide in an easy-to-follow format. 

How-to guides serve as handy tutorials that enable your audience to learn new skills, solve problems, unlock features, and implement best practices. They are a great vehicle for showcasing your expertise by breaking down complex topics into digestible steps anyone can understand.

Where to use how-to guides

  • As blog posts or videos on your website/YouTube channel
  • Within email courses teaching progressions of skills
  • As inserts packaged with physical products or digital resources
  • In an online knowledge base or FAQ section 
  • Highlighted on landing pages to drive leads
  • Compiled into Ultimate Guide ebooks or anchoring blog series

16. Checklists

Checklists make for super effective standalone content pieces or complementary additions to other formats like guides or courses. Their power is in their simplicity – checklists boil down requirements, considerations, or workflows into scannable line-by-line to-do lists.

This allows your audience to prioritize tasks efficiently, verify processes are followed properly, and implement your advice systematically. Well-crafted checklists become go-to resources for handling complex projects or keeping teams aligned.

Where to leverage checklists

  • Alongside blog posts, videos, or email newsletters 
  • Tucked into workbooks, toolkits, or complementary bundles
  • As printable PDFs or interactive web-based checklists
  • Promoted on social media and pinned for easy reference  
  • Pre-departure or event checklists for related offerings
  • As sales tools validating steps and criteria are met


Check out our Local SEO Checklist for reference

17. Interviews

Interviews are a powerful form of content that harnesses the art of storytelling through insightful questions and candid dialogue. Whether you’re interviewing an industry expert, thought leader, or your own customers, this format allows you to extract valuable insights, experiences, and diverse perspectives to share with your audience.

Well-crafted interviews breathe life into subjects through the personal narratives and journeys revealed. They make for compelling content by providing an inside look at the mindsets, challenges, and driving forces behind the accomplishments of fascinating people.

Where to feature interviews

  • As individual blog posts or podcast episodes  
  • Compiled into interview series or expert roundups
  • Featured sections in larger content like ebooks or webinars
  • On video across YouTube, social media, or website
  • Pull quotes or snippets shared as promotional teasers
  • Transcribed into written pieces for increased accessibility 

18. Press Releases

Press releases may be one of the oldest forms of content marketing, but they remain vital for officially announcing major company news and updates. These corporate statements and media advisories still carry formidable power to generate media coverage, industry buzz, investor interest, and awareness. Press releases strategically communicate key messages, share accomplishments, handle crisis response, and drive online visibility when properly distributed.

Where to distribute press releases

  • Newswire services to syndicate across publications
  • Your company’s website news or media room section
  • Directly to reporters, industry influencers, and investors
  • Embedded into email marketing campaigns  
  • Repurposed into blog posts for added commentary
  • Shared across owned social media channels and groups

19. Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are a fun, engaging form of interactive content that taps into people’s innate desire to win prizes and rewards. Running a well-designed contest creates a buzz of excitement as your audience vies for cool giveaway items or once-in-a-lifetime experiences related to your brand. This type of gamified content is remarkably effective for boosting engagement rates, growing your following, collecting user-generated content, and increasing brand awareness.


Where to promote contests and giveaways

  • Dedicated landing pages or microsites to drive entries
  • Email marketing campaigns to subscriber lists
  • Paid social media advertising and posts
  • Your website’s blog or marketing banner sections
  • Co-promotions and partnerships with influencers
  • In-person at live events, trade shows, or conferences

20. Polls and Surveys

Polls and surveys open up a direct line of communication between you and your audience. These simple, interactive content pieces allow you to solicit real-time feedback, opinions, preferences, and insights from your customers or readers. 

The data captured provides a valuable pulse on what your audience cares about most. Their responses offer a treasure trove of material to analyze, pivot your strategy, spark new content ideas, and make smarter decisions.

Source: Costa Coffee (@costacoffee)

Where to publish polls and surveys

  • Website popups, landing pages, or blog embeds
  • Shared on social media for boosted reach
  • Email newsletter links to drive responses
  • In-product or app-based micro surveys
  • Pre- and post-event surveys
  • Short Instagram Story or Twitter polls

21. Behind-the-Scenes Looks

Behind-the-scenes (BTS) content gives your audience an exclusive, unfiltered glimpse into the inner workings of your business. It pulls back the curtain to showcase the talented people, meticulous processes, humble beginnings, and company culture that exist beyond just your products or services. 

BTS looks are compelling because they humanize your brand, breed authenticity, and create a stronger emotional connection with your fans and customers. This inside look fosters a deeper level of trust, admiration, and investment in your story.

Where to share BTS content

  • Company website and blog posts
  • Social media channels like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube
  • Email newsletters to your subscribers
  • Multimedia video series or documentary-style films
  • Live social media takeovers or team interviews
  • Physical behind-the-scenes tours or open houses

Get inspired by these behind the scenes post ideas.

22. Live Streams

In our digital era of on-demand content, live streaming enables you to broadcast unfiltered, in-the-moment experiences directly to your audience in real time. The spontaneity and urgency of live video cultivate a “you had to be there” sentiment that gets viewers hooked.


Live streams allow you to share timely updates, host interactive Q&As, give sneak previews, build hype around launches, and put on exclusive shows or performances. The overall atmosphere and engagement levels far exceed that of pre-recorded video.

Where to go live

  • Popular platforms like YouTube Live, Instagram Live, Facebook Live
  • Mobile broadcasting apps like Periscope or Twitch
  • Your website through embedded live streaming capabilities
  • Webinar, conference, or virtual event hosting solutions
  • In-person venues, red carpets, or on-location streams

23. Local Event Coverage

Covering local events through your content is a great way to connect with communities and audiences in a specific geographic area. Whether it’s a festival, concert, conference, fundraiser, or other happenings, this hyper-localized content helps position your brand as tuned into the beating heart of a city or region. 

Local event coverage shows you have your finger on the pulse of what’s happening around town. It resonates with audiences by reflecting shared interests and experiences unique to their area.

Where to feature local event coverage

  • As dedicated blog posts or video recaps on your website/channels
  • Through live, on-the-ground social media posts, tweets and Instagram Stories
  • In email newsletters or community roundup communications
  • As part of local advertising campaigns or co-promotions
  • On local media outlet sites, community boards, or event websites
  • Get creative by having your team on-site for interviews, behind-the-scenes access, covering opening ceremonies, or even being part of the event through sponsorships. The key is tapping into the excitement and pride for all things local.

24. Memes

In the fast-paced, rapidly evolving world of the internet and social media culture, memes have emerged as the language of the web. These bite-sized, humorous pieces of multimedia content spread virally by resonating with common experiences and inside jokes.


Memes allow brands to show off their fun, relatable side while joining in on conversations in an incredibly shareable way. Clever use of memes and GIFs can instantly connect you to younger, internet-savvy audiences with a simple laugh or nostalgic call-back.

Where to share memes

  • Social platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Reddit
  • As reactions and commentary in online groups or forums
  • Website or blog posts covering topical news or trends
  • Messaging apps and chat platforms
  • Email newsletters or marketing campaigns

25. Product/Service Demonstrations

For local businesses, creating product demos or showcasing your services can be an incredibly effective content format. These types of demos put your offerings front and center, allowing potential customers to get an in-depth, visual understanding of what you provide.


Well-executed demos break down the features, benefits, and use cases in a clear, engaging way. This hands-on look helps build trust by removing any guesswork about what to expect when experiencing your products or services themselves.

Where to share product/service demos

  • Dedicated video sections on your website
  • Social media channels like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram
  • Sales presentations or digital brochures for prospects
  • Tradeshow booths or in-store product display areas
  • Training courses or explanatory blog post tutorials
  • Embedded on local directory/review site listings

26. Seasonal Content

No matter what industry you’re in, creating content that aligns with seasonal trends, holidays, and major events can be a smart move. This type of timely, relevant content taps into existing cultural conversations and popular mindsets during different times of the year.


It allows you to capitalize on heightened interests, demands, and search volumes around seasonal topics. Done well, seasonal content comes across as savvy, on-trend, and perfectly timed.

Where to deploy seasonal content

  • Blog posts or videos with themed tips and ideas
  • Email marketing campaigns promoting limited-time offers
  • Social media posts, hashtag campaigns, Stories, highlights
  • Landing pages for seasonal product/service collections
  • Print or digital guides as value-added seasonal resources
  • Support documentation or website messaging updates

27. Virtual Tours

Virtual tours provide an immersive multimedia experience that transports viewers directly into spaces and environments through interactive 360° photo/video technology. This content format excels at giving audiences an authentic, self-guided look at properties, venues, products and more – without being there physically. Virtual tours are incredibly useful for local businesses looking to showcase facilities or offerings remotely.

Where to host virtual tours

  • Dedicated tour sections on your website
  • Google Business listings and local search profiles
  • Social media platforms for promoting the experience
  • Email campaigns or digital brochures for prospects
  • Trade show/event booths for an anytime preview

28. Recipes or DIY Projects

For cultivating a creative, hands-on community, featuring do-it-yourself (DIY) projects can be an engaging content approach. DIY tutorials and how-to guides enable your audience to get crafty by following your step-by-step instructions for everything from home decor projects to recipes and DIY hacks. This format nurtures viewers’ interests while also inspiring them to use your products or services along the way.


Where to share Recipes or DIY projects

  • Blog posts with written/visual guides
  • Video tutorials on platforms like YouTube or Instagram  
  • As standalone kits, books, or bundles to purchase
  • Social media posts highlighting finished projects
  • Live workshops or virtual classes for interactive learning

29. Quizzes

Quizzes are a fun, interactive form of content that allows you to engage your audience in a gamified experience while learning about their interests, behaviors, and needs. These low-barrier multiple-choice or scoring-based assessments provide an entertaining way to capture data, deliver personalized results, make recommendations, and segment your users. Well-designed quizzes feel like a delightful back-and-forth conversation.

Source: Tesco

Where to publish quizzes

  • Website blog/interactive content section
  • Landing pages for lead generation
  • Social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram
  • Email campaign embedded links or calls-to-action
  • In-person events or trade show booth activities

30. White Papers

Whitepapers establish your brand as a credible, authoritative source on key topics through in-depth research, analysis, and expertise. As high-value, heavily detailed content assets, whitepapers aim to educate audiences and provide data-driven insights, solutions, and substantive perspectives on challenges and emerging trends within an industry. Their comprehensive nature commands respect.

Where to publish whitepapers

  • Gated library or resources section to capture leads
  • Leverage as promotable assets in ABM campaigns
  • Sponsored posts or advertisements in industry publications
  • Shared through email nurture streams and sales enablement
  • Repurpose sections as blog posts or video series

31. Announcements

Making major announcements through your content channels is a powerful way to generate buzz, build anticipation, and control your brand’s narrative around significant news. Announcements command attention by signaling that something new, important, or groundbreaking is being revealed. Well-crafted announcements spark curiosity, create hype cycles, and foster two-way conversations with your audience.

Source: Hunter & Gather

Where to make announcements

  • Dedicated press release posts on your website/blog
  • Social media accounts with teasers and countdowns
  • Email newsletters or in-product notifications
  • Live-streamed announcement events or virtual launches
  • Through media outreach for third-party coverage
  • Promoted ads or sponsored content campaigns

32. Milestone Celebrations

Whether celebrating company anniversaries, key customer acquisition numbers, revenue milestones, or major initiative completions, recognizing important achievements is powerful content.

Source: I Love Mountain View

Milestones generate positive sentiment by commemorating just how far your business has come. They’re opportunities to reflect on the journey, reminisce over defining moments, and recommit to your brand’s vision for the future.

Where to highlight milestones

  • Lookback articles or retrospective videos on your blog/channels
  • Social media posts and campaigns with behind-the-scenes memories
  • Company all-hands meetings or town halls
  • Customer emails expressing gratitude for enabling success
  • Milestone-branded merchandise and swag
  • Local award submissions or media pitchers

33. Charity or Community Support Initiatives

Showcasing your brand’s charitable efforts or community support initiatives through content is an excellent way to highlight your company’s values and positive local/global impact. This type of content demonstrates social awareness and responsibility beyond just business operations. It allows you to share inspiring stories of giving back, advocate for meaningful causes, encourage more action, and galvanize your audience.

Where to feature charity/community initiatives  

  • Dedicated section on your website/blog for updates
  • Social media channels for awareness campaigns 
  • Email newsletters to share contribution results
  • Live streaming events, fundraisers or volunteering efforts
  • Local media outreach for community spotlights
  • Printed annual corporate social responsibility reports

34. Resource Lists

Creating comprehensive, value-packed resource lists is a great way to establish your brand as a go-to source of helpful information. Tackle common pain points, break down complex subjects, create event calendars, or compile ancillary tools to bolster your product/service offerings. The more robust and organized the list, the more indispensable it becomes for your readers.

Where to publish resource lists

  • Blog posts or website content hubs
  • Downloadable PDF guides or e-books
  • Email newsletter editions or dedicated emails
  • Social media posts highlighting top resources
  • Industry publications or guest posts
  • As value-adds for lead generation

35. Customer Reviews

There’s no better content than positive reviews, testimonials, and stories direct from happy customers. This user-generated content provides invaluable social proof of your offerings in action through authentic experiences. It allows potential customers to hear credible perspectives outside of your marketing materials.

Source: Suja  

Where to source and share reviews

  • Dedicated testimonial/reviews page on your website
  • Third-party reviews sites like G2, Capterra, Trustpilot
  • Product/service sales pages or case study spotlights  
  • Social media posts and tagged account shoutouts
  • Video testimonial interviews on YouTube/product pages
  • Print or digital assets like sales brochures

Summing Up…

There are lots of ways in which you can mix and match these content formats. For example, announcements as blogs or social posts. Create your content calendar with a diverse range of content types and keep your audience coming back for more.

Need help sharing your content across platforms? Synup Social can help!

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